eBook-Lesson "Past Tense"
Im Sinne deduktiver Grammatik soll die Past Tense Formen der Verben in einer Geschichte erkannt werden. Mit Videos soll eine "neue" Lehrperson den Input zur Past Tense vornehmen. Die direkte Verknüpfung von Input und interaktiven Übungen soll den Lernprozess entsprechend fördern.
What is this eBook-Lesson about?
In this eBook-Lesson Saoussan, a girl from Beirut, talks about her first experiences in Canada, her new home. She tells her story in the past tense.
- You will learn how to build the past tense and how to use it.
- You will find out that there are regular irregular verbs.
- You will listen to an "irregular verb rap" song, but perhaps you can make your own song.
- You will learn how to use the simple past and the continuous past tense.