Irish Literature / Thorsten Pohl

The Irish have what is called “the gift of the gab” - that is to say they are excellent conversationalists. This love of the spoken word has contributed to Irish literature. There are many famous Irish writers such as Wilde (The Importance of being Earnest), Joyce (Ulysses), Shaw (Pygmalion).

  • Irish Writers

    Are you looking for a specific person in the field of Irish literature? In this bio-bibliographical dictionary of Irish writers you can find the well known authors and also the (at least in our region) not so well known ones for a change (e.g. Colm Tóibín). Detailansicht

  • Irish literature texts

    Important pieces of Irish literature like "The Importance of being Earnest" by Oscar Wilde, "The Dark Lady of the Sonnets" by G.B. Shaw or "Dracula" by Bram Stoker and many other famous texts can be downloaded here for FREE! Detailansicht

  • George Bernhard Shaw

    Irish dramatist, critic and social reformer, G.B. Shaw is remembered for writing the challenging, mocking and eloquent prefaces to his plays. Here you can find a summary of Shaw's life and an overview of his works. Detailansicht

  • James Joyce

    Irish novelist, short story writer and poet. Joyce is regarded as one of the greatest literary talents of the 20th century. This page contains a biography, summaries of Joyce's main works and short commentaries on his other works. Detailansicht

  • Oscar Wilde

    The official website of Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde offers the most essential information on him: Biography, literary works, photos and more. Detailansicht

  • The Oscar Wilde Collection

    Get Wilde's most famous works for FREE... "The Happy Prince and Other Stories", "The Picture of Dorian Gray"... and some of his widely-known plays and poems. Detailansicht

  • Oscar Wilde

    Here you can get an overview of the life of Wilde by casting a glance at the chronology on this page. Some of his stories, plays, poems and critical works can be found here as well. Detailansicht

  • Samuel Beckett

    The Irish novelist and playwright Samuel Beckett is one of the great names of Absurd Theatre. An introduction to the life and works of Samuel Beckett can be found here. Access to some of the pages of the New York Times requires registration. BUT it's free and it only takes a minute! Detailansicht

  • William Butler Yeats

    A summary of the life of William Butler Yeats' life. Excerpts of his poems are included in the text. Detailansicht

  • William Butler Yeats

    An introduction to the life of one of the greatest English-language poets of the 20th century and Nobel Prize for Literature winner. There is also an overview of his poems. Detailansicht

  • Quotes by George Bernard Shaw

    e.g. "I often quote myself. It adds spice to my conversation." Detailansicht


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