Northern Ireland - Tourism
To reduce Northern Ireland to historical and political aspects would be fairly one-dimensional. The region itself has become a popular tourist destination in recent years and there are indeed many places worth visiting as this section will prove.
Discover Northern Ireland
The official website of the Northern Ireland Tourist Board. Detailansicht
Giant's Causeway — Unit of Work
"Giant's Causeway" is one of the UK's natural wonders. This area of thousands of interlocking basalt columns is located along the northeast coast of Northern Ireland. The download links can be found at the end of the page. Detailansicht
Belfast Tour — Videos and Activities
Several places of interrest are discribed in this video taped guided tour. You might also get an insight into the political system of Northern Ireland. Clips to watch and activities to follow are discribed here. Detailansicht
Armagh - The Mall
Project members also visited Armagh and gathered some information on "The Mall", Archbishop Robinson and what prisons were like a few hundred years ago. Detailansicht
Welcome to North Antrim
The famous "Giant's Causeway" is one of the sights in the northern part of County Antrim. There are quite a few others as well. Detailansicht
CAIN Web Service: Tourism in Northern Ireland
Tourism has been affected by the conflict as well but the paramilitary ceasefires of 1994 encouraged people to visit Northern Ireland. The numbers of visitors have been on a steady increase at the time of the 2001 statistics. Detailansicht
List of National Trust Properties in Northern Ireland - Wikipedia
The National Trust is a conservation organisation in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The National Trust properties in Northern Ireland are sights definitely worth visiting. Detailansicht