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  • Cat in the Rain 5

    Mirror Images in 'Cat in the Rain' and 'The Three Day Blow' by Wen Wang. Detailansicht

  • CBBC - Harry Potter

    The postings by CBBC are mainly designed for children and so you can also find a section that's dedicated to Harry Potter where you can find information about the latest movies. Detailansicht

  • Celebrating MLK Day

    In recognition of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, here is a collection of New York Times, Learning Network and other materials for teaching and learning about Dr. King, the civil rights movement he led and his legacy. Detailansicht

  • Celtic Lyrics

    Here you will find a combination of traditional Celtic lyrics, original folk songs and some cover songs. Detailansicht

  • Charles Dickens

    Biography, works, themes, economic contexts, political histroy, social histroy, religion, characters, narrative, bibliography, etc. Detailansicht

  • Charles Dickens Page

    Biography, information, articles, book excerpts, links etc. - all about Charles Dickens Detailansicht

  • Cherokee Indians

    Their territory - yesterday and today Detailansicht

  • Child Labour

    A web-based teaching project from North-Rhine Westphalia.
    language of material: German. Detailansicht

  • Child Labour

    Link collection. Detailansicht

  • Child Labour - a web-based teaching project

    Here you can find information on the project, a downloadable project description, documents and dossiers. (language of the records: German) Detailansicht

  • Child Labour in America 1908 - 1912

    Children worked in factories, coalmines, as fruit pickers, seafood workers, in mills, etc. Original black and white photographs with original captions. Detailansicht

  • Child Labour - The Facts

    Here you can find interesting facts about the problem of child labour:
    How many? What about the rich world? Where do we find child labour? Why are the kids not at school?

  • Children's Christmas Games and Activities

    This website offers some fun Christmas activities, explanations about Christmas and Christmas symbols. Furthermore some recipes, word search and word jumbles. Detailansicht

  • Christmas Activities

    This website offers a variety of different activities for school.
    - Vocabulary exercises
    - Listening comprehensions
    - Webquests (How Christmas is celebrated around the world)
    - Dear Santa Letter Generator.

  • Christmas Activities for Kids and Teachers

    Find out about Christmas legends, songs, traditions, cliparts and resources for teachers and kids alike. Detailansicht

  • Christmas Around the World

    Visit over 30 different countries and see how they celebrate Christmas! Detailansicht

  • Christmas Carol (excerpt) by Charles Dickens

    Abridged and slightly simplified version of the opening of A Christmas Carol.
    Animated Video [25 min] (see links further down) Detailansicht

  • Christmas Celebrations Around the World

    "It is interesting to see how different countries celebrate Christmas. We asked some of our friends to explain what happens in their countries. This is what they told us: ..." Detailansicht

  • Christmas Crossword

    A Christmas Online-Crossword
    (Java-Plug-in required) Detailansicht

  • Christmas Crossword Puzzle Game

    Crossword with words around Christmas in English-speaking countries. Detailansicht

  • Christmas Fun for Kids

    Games, stories and printable material - this is an incredibly rich resource! You should take some time to select if you rather shoot snowballs at Santa, learn some songs or read short stories. Detailansicht

  • Christmas in Australia

    Peculiarities of celebrating Christmas in early summer. What is Christmas about living "down under". Detailansicht

  • Christmas in England - Overview

    To get an overview about Christmas traditions in England students can talk/write about the differences in culture, customs and traditions between England and Austria.

  • Christmaslinks and Teaching Ideas

    From Charles Dickens to quizzes and games - a collection of ideas and activities around Christmas Season. Detailansicht

  • Christmas presents (toys)

    exercise sheet: fill-in the gaps (pdf-document)
    designed by Karin Schorm Detailansicht