eBook-Lesson "From Far Away"
Ausgehend von den Erfahrungen eines kleinen Mädchens aus Beirut, das sich ohne jegliche Sprachkenntnisse in einer fremden Kultur in der Schule zurechtfinden muss, sollen unsere SchülerInnen für die Probleme von Migrantenkindern sensibilisiert werden.
What is this eBook-Lesson about?
- In this eBook-Lesson you will meet a girl whose name is Saoussan.
- You will learn what is feels like to be an immigrant child in a foreign country.
- You will learn some new words to talk about immigration.
- You will get to know names of countries from the Middle East.
- You will watch a cartoon film from Canada.
- Enjoy the film and imagine living in a country where you do not understand a single word!