Bildung der indirekten Rede
Eine kurze aber gute Erklärung zur Bildung der reported speech. (Zeitenverschiebung, Abänderung gewisser Ausdrücke,...) Detailansicht
Differences between direct and indirect speech
YouTube video (1:52) - listen and read! Detailansicht
English Grammar 4 U - Reported Speech
Das Kapitel "Reported Speech" der Webseite Grammar 4U bietet Erklärungen und Übungen. Detailansicht
Exercises - Reported Speech / Statements
A blog with online exercises and links. Detailansicht
Grammar Challenge - Reported Speech
Reported speech is explained and there are a few online tasks. Detailansicht
Grammar Secrets - Reported Speech
Article on when and how to use reported speech. Underneath are online tasks like matching exercises and putting words into the correct order. Detailansicht
Indirect instead of direct
transforming direct into indirect sentences; (only past tense) Detailansicht
Indirect Speech
A short description of the concept of the reported speech. Detailansicht
Interview with Emma Watson
Listening exercise (multiple choice) with the actress from the Harry Potter films. (challenging) Detailansicht
Practicing Reported Speech
Exercices on building reported speech; (Arbeitsblatt zum Ausdrucken) Detailansicht