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  • A simple means of transport

    Some facts about how to travel in different countries.
    In various regions around the world, trains may be an excellent means of transportation and when planning a trip abroad, they should not be neglected. Detailansicht

  • Department for Transport, UK

    Here you can find the homepage of the Department for Transport. Detailansicht

  • Lernplattform-Lernpaket "Holidays"

    The "Lernpaket" designed by Mag. Ingrid Kohlbacher is available as a Moodle Lernpaket now.
    Just import it and it will be saved as "Thema 1", so there should be nothing saved as "Thema 1" (probably just move everything if there is some content)

  • Transport

    On this site you can find videos (you asked the experts about traffic jams - Will the railways improve?)

    *Railways: what went wrong?
    *Animation: when train tracks break
    *Motorways: why traffic jams happen
    *Air travel: security in the skies
    *Quiz: transport trivia