10 Downing Street
With info on Prime Minister(s), government, 10 Downing Street, newsroom, press briefings, etc. Detailansicht
2011 Election Results Summary
The results of the latest election in Northern Ireland. Main parties include the Ulster Unionist Party (UUP), the Ulster Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), Sinn Fein (SF) and the Social Democratic & Labour Party (SDLP). Detailansicht
Armagh - The Mall
Project members also visited Armagh and gathered some information on "The Mall", Archbishop Robinson and what prisons were like a few hundred years ago. Detailansicht
Articles on Northern Ireland and more
A collection of some articles about the Northern Ireland conflict from around 1922 until 2000. We get to know more about important historical incidents and various aspects. Detailansicht
Belfast Tour — Videos and Activities
Several places of interrest are discribed in this video taped guided tour. You might also get an insight into the political system of Northern Ireland. Clips to watch and activities to follow are discribed here. Detailansicht
Bernard MacLaverty: CAL
Whenever the conflict in Northern Ireland comes up as a topic "CAL" is usually one of the books that pupils have to read. In this school project the book is introduced and summed up. There is also some background information. Detailansicht
Bloody Sunday 1972
Here "Bloody Sunday" describes an incident in Derry (or Londonderry) in which 26 civil rights protesters were shot by members of the British Parachute Regiment on January 30th 1972. Many witnesses state that all those shot were unarmed. Detailansicht
British Embassy Berlin
The embassy, news and events, consulates, info about Britain. Detailansicht
CAIN Web Service: Background Information on Northern Irish Society
The violent incidents that have occurred in Northern Ireland, the 'Troubles' and the divisions in the community have had an impact on most aspects of life in the region. The conflict has also been reflected in arts and literature. Detailansicht
CAIN Web Service: Tourism in Northern Ireland
Tourism has been affected by the conflict as well but the paramilitary ceasefires of 1994 encouraged people to visit Northern Ireland. The numbers of visitors have been on a steady increase at the time of the 2001 statistics. Detailansicht
CAIN Web Service - Conflict and Politics (1968 to the Present)
CAIN Web Service/ University of Ulster archive contains extensive information on politics and "the troubles" from 1968 up to now. Ideal for in depth research on the conflicts in Northern Ireland. Detailansicht
Discover Northern Ireland
The official website of the Northern Ireland Tourist Board. Detailansicht
General Information on the school system in NI
The members of a project have summed up a few important details about the school system in Northern Ireland. Detailansicht
Giant's Causeway — Unit of Work
"Giant's Causeway" is one of the UK's natural wonders. This area of thousands of interlocking basalt columns is located along the northeast coast of Northern Ireland.
The download links can be found at the end of the page. Detailansicht -
Guardian Unlimited - Special Report Northern Ireland
Includes the latest news as well as articles on various topic fields, time lines and interactive guides. Detailansicht
Ideas and Teaching Material for Northern Ireland
In October 2006, the eLearning Cluster Oberösterreich conducted a LEONARDO mobility project to Northern Ireland in order to get together with its partner SELB (Southern Education and Library Board). The creation of electronic learning material was one of many aims during this trip.
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Interview with pupils of 'Our Lady's Grammar School Newry'
Girls attending 'Our Lady's Grammar School Newry' have been interviewed about their everyday school life, their uniforms and their opinions on Austria. Detailansicht
List of National Trust Properties in Northern Ireland - Wikipedia
The National Trust is a conservation organisation in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The National Trust properties in Northern Ireland are sights definitely worth visiting. Detailansicht
Northern Ireland — Education Systems
Despite being from 1998 this short article is a good way to start. It gives an overview on the system in general and informs us that in spite of all efforts religious denomination still is decisive when choosing a school for a child. Detailansicht
Northern Ireland - Web Unit
This web unit offers a few suggestions on how to teach the topic "Northern Ireland" in class. Detailansicht
Parades and Marches in Northern Ireland
There are many parades that commemorate and celebrate important historical events in Northern Ireland. Quite a few of them seem to cause conflicts among the communities on a regular basis. Detailansicht
Political Parties in Northern Ireland
Here are two links which both refer to websites which introduce a few political parties of Northern Ireland. Detailansicht
Sinn FĂ©in
Official homepage of the Sinn Fein. "History of the Conflict", "Links", etc. Detailansicht
The Northern Ireland Assembly
The Northern Ireland Assembly is the prime source of authority for all devolved responsibilities and has full legislative and executive authority. The Assembly was established as part of the Belfast Agreement and meets in Parliament Buildings.